Friday, October 9, 2009

Sept 8, 2009

Followed up with the podiatrist. The pain had continued through the previous days. KD could only sleep 2-3 hours at a time and then the shooting pains would start again. Her ankle had swollen significantly and seemed to now be the focal point of the pain. I gave the podiatrist a summary of the previous week. He felt that she was compensating for the heel pain by walking on the outside of her foot, thereby creating strain on her ankle which was causing the swelling and inflammation. Looking back, I don't think I stressed enough how much pain she was in and that it was not just in the morning but throughout the day. I did explain that she had not slept a full night in 10 days due to the stabbing pains keeping her awake. But I think I need to learn to speak louder! He prescribed continued therapy and some electrical stimulus but no pain meds. We scheduled that, his nurse taped her foot- which was excruciating for her but did seem to give her some relief. She finally slept(with some pain pills I had in the cabinet) that afternoon so she did not go to the appointment for electrical stimulus.

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