Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oct. 13th, 3 week follow up

This is at the 3 week follow up appointment with the infectious disease specialist. He said it looks good... have to take his word for it. He pressed on it and KD didn't have any pain and her mobility was good. So we continue on the path of iv antibiotics and no weight bearing for 3 more weeks. Good thing she thinks scars are cool!

1 comment:

  1. Hi , I came across your blog while googling countless hours for months and months and months. I have read every site there is to read on my problem not once or twice but three times plus! My problem was so similar to your daughters that I had to post my story. I fell at work in April 2016 and tore my MCL of my left knee. 2 weeks later, from favoring my knee, I must have stepped weird and tore my plantar fascia of my right foot. After wearing a boot for weeks, using a knee scooter, numerous cortisone injections, the pain was unbearable and not letting up. (I have had plantar fasciitis before but this was different). Well 2 months went by and I decided to look at the bottom of my heel and discovered 3 very distinct whitish yellow circles, very similar to your daughters. Anyway to make a long story short, I wound up having an abscess that had to be drained. 2 days later it was still draining and I had to be brought into the OR to have it cleaned out. It tested positive for staph and after 5 days in the hospital I was sent home on IV 3x day for 3 weeks. Because of the tear, the infection went into the planes and muscle of my foot. I was ok for a few weeks but the pain increased again and the hole was still draining. I wound up still having staph plus ecoli plus a water borne bacteria. I was brought back into the OR to have it drained again but the stitches didn't hold the skin together since the skin remained wet from constant draining. Once again, about the 5 th time I was put on more antibiotics but the hole continued to drain. The staph and ecoli cleared up but I got another water bacteria. After 3 opinions, many cultures, antibiotics, and medical imaging, it was discovered I developed a sinus tract in my foot, which is like a tunnel from the surface of my foot inwards. I had a 3rd surgery to remove the tract (11/25/16) and this time they left the wound open and packed. I had to have the packing changed every other day until the wound heeled from the inside out. That was fun....not! There was concern that it had spread to the bone but thankfully it did not. I was on absolute total non weight bearing until the hole closed. I am now in PT again 3x week but although I can now walk, I have so much pain after I've been on my foot to long. I am so frustrated that I cannot walk long distances without pain. Does your daughter have any lasting pain? I know it was so long ago but just wondering if there's light at the end of the tunnel? Thanks for listening to my story!
